Parmenides’ Structure of the Earth


Calenda Guido


It is generally accepted that the enigmatic fragment 12 of Parmenides, supplemented by the first part of A.tius II 7.1, represents an unlikely cosmos which comprises alternating spherical crowns of fire and night, surrounding the earth. A comparison of the fragment and A.tius’ text shows that the latter adds nothing substantial to the fragment. Thus, fragment 12 can actually represent the structure of the earth, which consists of a core of fire, is surrounded by the layers of the earth’s crust, into which heat is transmitted from within, and on which the goddess of life dwells.


Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan

Reference45 articles.

1. Barnes, J., 1979, “Parmenides and the Eleatic One”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 61, pp. 1-21.

2. Bollack, J., 2006, Parménide, de l’étant au monde, Lagrasse.

3. Bredlow, L. A., 2010, “Cosmología, cosmogonía y teogonía en el poema de Parménides”, Emerita (EM) 78, pp. 275-297.

4. Brisson, L., Macé, A., Pradeau, J. F., 2022, Les Élèates, Paris.

5. Burkert W., 1962, Weisheit un Wissenshaft. Studien zu Pythagoras, Philolaos, und Platon, Nürnberg (english transl. E. L. Minar Jr.: Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, Cambridge 1972).







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