1. A Study on Classification of Upper Body Shape of Middle-aged Males
2. Cha, S. J. (2020). A study on the lower body shape of elderly males in their 60s - Focused on the index scores. Korea Design Trends Society, 25(4). 17-26.
3. Classification of Upper Torso Somatotype for Development of Senior Men‘s Dressform
4. Jung, J. E., & Kim, G. (2002). Classification of men's somatotype according to body shape and size(Part II) - Classification of side view and compound of front and side view. Journal of Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 26(9/10), 1443-1454.
5. Jung, J., & Lee, S. (2002). Classification of men's somatotype according to body shape and size(Part I) - Classification of front view according to body shape. Journal of Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 26(7), 1026-1035.