The fertility sparing therapy in ectopic pregnancy


Sehnal BorekORCID, ,Hanáček JiříORCID,Matěcha JanORCID,Fanta MichaelORCID


Objective: A review of current knowledge on the possibilities of fertility sparing therapy in case of ectopic pregnancy. Methods and results: Ectopic pregnancy is defined as implantation of an embryo outside the endometrial cavity, most often in the fallopian tube. This diagnosis is very common among young women. Ectopic pregnancies can be treated using the following three approaches, which can be combined: expectantly, pharmacologically or surgically. Fertility-sparing salpingostomy may be performed during surgical treatment. Medical (pharmacological) treatment consists in the application of methotrexate with a success rate of 75–96%, depending on the initial level of the free beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG). This is a safe treatment with minimal side effects. There is no standardization of the blood β-hCG level limits or of the size of the ectopic pregnancy mass for choosing expectant, surgical or medical treatment. A considerable increase in the rate of Cesarean sections over the last decades has led to an increase in the occurrence of the implantation of the gestational sac in the hysterotomy scar. There are several options to address this diagnosis, but none is clearly preferred. This issue is also discussed in the article. Conclusion: The goal of ectopic pregnancy treatment is to choose a safe and effective therapy with a low incidence of side effects and maintaining the maximum fertility of women. Properly set indication criteria are most important when choosing the right option. Key words: ectopic pregnancy – cervical pregnancy – cesarean scar pregnancy – medical treatment – efficacy – safety


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Obstetrics and Gynecology







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