Correlations between amplitude rheovasographic indicators of the crus and anthropometric dimensions in volleyball players women of different somatotypes


Sarafyniuk L. A.ORCID,Stepanenko І. О.ORCID,Khapitska O. P.ORCID,Androshchuk O. V.ORCID,Borejko T. I.ORCID,Sarafyniuk P. V.ORCID,Nesterova S. Yu.ORCID


Somatotypological features of the body can be considered as a lever of sports achievements, because they have an effect on the efficiency of the energy supply system, physical capacity, ability to adapt, and the state of the cardiovascular system. The purpose of our work is to reveal the correlations between the amplitude parameters of the crus rheovasogram and anthropometric indices in young volleyball players women of different somatotypes. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory study of the state of health and physical development of 108 volleyball players women aged 16-20 years (youth period of ontogenesis) of high sports ranks (from II adult to masters of sports) was conducted. Rheovasographic parameters of the crus in volleyball players women were determined by the method of tetrapolar rheocardiography on a certified computer diagnostic multifunctional complex. Anthropometric determination of the total dimensions of the body and chest, pelvis, limbs, and head was performed according to the recommendations of Shaparenko P. P. (2000), somatotypological – according to the Heath-Carter calculation method (1990). After somatotyping, it was established that 28 women volleyball players belonged to the mesomorphic type of constitution, 27 women athletes were assigned to the ectomorphic and ecto-mesomorphic somatotypes each, and 26 women volleyball players belonged to the medium intermediate type. The analysis of the obtained results was carried out in the license program "Statistica 5.5" using correlation analysis according to Spearman. We found that highly professional women volleyball players, who have different body types, differ in the strength and number of significant correlations between the amplitude rheovasographic parameters of the crus and anthropometric dimensions. The most numerous (18.64 % of the possible correlations, of which 6.82 % are reliable) and the strongest (3 strong with a correlation coefficient from -0.64 to -0.73) correlations between the amplitude indicators of the crus rheovasogram and parameters of the external body structure were recorded in volleyball players women of the middle intermediate somatotype. Ectomorphs had the lowest number and strength of relationships (3.18 % of possible correlations, only 1 reliable). Individual longitudinal dimensions of the body, chest girths and its diameters, transverse dimensions of the pelvis, and skinfold thickness were most often correlated with the amplitude indicators of the crus rheovasogram in women volleyball players of various constitutional types. Determining the features of the correlations is the basis for assessing the harmony of the physical development of women volleyball players and conducting further statistical modeling to determine their appropriate crus rheovasographic indicators.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University

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