Morphological structure of testicles under conditions of experimental gonadopathy and after the administration of cholecalciferol in comprehensive correction schemes


Marakhovskyi I. O.ORCID,Korenieva Ye. M.,Laryanovska Yu. B.ORCID,Smolienko N. P.ORCID,Chystiakova E. Ye.ORCID,Belkina І. О.ORCID,Velychko N. F.ORCID,Misiura K. V.ORCID,Bondarenko V. O.ORCID


The problem of male infertility is relevant and calls for a solution. The use of the D3 vitamin in infertility treatment schemes has a potentially positive effect on reproductive health in male individuals. The present study aims to examine the effect of vitamin D3, administered alone or in combination with a preparation containing the extract of Tribulus terrestris on the changes in the histological picture of testicular morphology in rats with experimental gonadopathy. Male rats with modeled reproductive function pathology (Serotonin-induced gonadopathy) were divided into groups receiving correction using cholecalciferol alone or in combination with the reference drug Tribestan (Tr), which contains an extract of Tribulus terrestris. In addition to observational microscopy, morphometric evaluation of spermatogenesis was performed on sections of the testicles stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The statistical analysis was performed using the standard software package “Statistica 6.0” with the utilization of the Student’s t-test and its nonparametric counterpart, the Kruskal-Wallis test for one-way analysis of variance, followed by the Mann-Whitney test. It was found that the seminiferous tubules of rats with Serotonin-induced gonadopathy are significantly reduced in size, and their tunica propria is thickened. Sertoli cells are often destructively altered, and the uniformity of their arrangement is disrupted. A decrease in the weight of the gonads, epididymis, prostate gland, and hypoandrogenization was observed as well as a decline in spermatogenesis indicators. An improvement in the morphological characteristics of the gonads was noted following the administration of vitamin D3 in the presence of pathology. The seminiferous tubules had a normal histological structure. The germ cells were arranged in concentric rows according to their developmental stages, and the Sertoli cells appeared visually unchanged. The population of Leydig cells appeared visually more heterogeneous than in the control animals. However, occasionally seminiferous tubules with focal necrobiosis of germ cells and dystrophy of Sertoli cells, as well as a reduction in rows of germ cells, were observed. Overall, the quantitative indicators of spermatogenesis improved after the administration of vitamin D3 compared to rats with experimental gonadopathy, although they did not reach the levels of the intact control. The administration of a combination of vitamin D3 and Tribestan in the presence of gonadopathy resulted in a greater positive effect compared to their individual use. The microscopic condition of the testicular tissue in rats was fully recovered. The combined use of vitamin D3 with Tribestan normalized the weight of the gonads and their appendages, significantly reduced the manifestations in the histological sections of degeneration and damage in the reproductive cells during the period of growth and differentiation, improved the relative level of androgen status in the organism and had a positive effect on spermatogenesis in the gonads. Thus, we have established that the combined use of Сholecalciferol and Tribestan for correcting experimental gonadopathy was more effective than either of the mentioned components alone.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,History,Business and International Management

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