Modeling of Valsalva sinuses and coronary artery ostia height parameters, depending on age-anthropometric indicators in healthy men based on computed tomography


Pidvalna U. Ye.ORCID


Computed tomography is the “gold standard” for performing aortic morphometry during preoperative planning in invasive cardiology and cardiac surgery. Predictive modeling of indicators can significantly save resources. The purpose of the study: to make modelling of Valsalva sinuses and coronary artery ostia height parameters depending on age-anthropometric indicators in healthy men based on computed tomography. The material is represented by contrast-enhanced computed tomography images of the aorta and coronary arteries of forty-three men under normal conditions. Methods: morphometric and statistical analyses. A multifactorial correlation-regression analysis was conducted to establish the complex influence of age-anthropometric parameters on sinuses of Valsalva and coronary artery ostia height. The reliability of the obtained indicators was confirmed by Fisher’s test (F). Using the Durbin-Watson autocorrelation criterion, the correctness of the built model was proved. In healthy men, weight (direct effect) and body mass index (inverse effect) significantly influenced the height of the lower edge of the right coronary artery ostia. The regression coefficient is R = +0.632, with p<0.001, the standard error of estimation (SEE) is 2.951. The obtained linear equation of the prognostic model: the level of the height of the departure of the lower edge of the right coronary artery ostia = 0.359×А1 – 1.099×А2 + 16.53. The correctness of the built model was checked using the Durbin–Watson autocorrelation test (2.181). The prognostic model for calculating the height of the left aortic sinus was formed by height and weight indicators (strong direct influence): R = +0.759, p<0.001, SEE = 2.208. The adjusted coefficient of multiple determination was R2adj = +0.562. The Durbin-Watson autocorrelation criterion was within the normal range (2.241). The linear equation of the prognostic model with the obtained β-coefficients: the level of the height of the left sinus of the aorta = 35.83 × А1 + 0.033 × А2 – 42.22. The work of prognostic models for individuals with different anthropometric and age parameters was verified. Thus, a model of the dependence of the indicator of the height of the left sinus of the aorta on height and weight was created; of the height of the deviation of the lower edge of the right coronary artery from weight and body mass index in healthy men based on computed tomography.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,History,Business and International Management

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