The state of carbohydrate metabolism in the Podilia region


Secret T. V.ORCID


Annotation. The epidemic of diabetes mellitus has been global in recent decades, so early detection of the disease is the priority of therapists, endocrinologists, cardiologists. Purpose – determine the components of the metabolic syndrome, the state of carbohydrate metabolism in the population of the Podilia region. Screening of glycemia levels of risk groups for diabetes mellitus in the Podilia region during 2018-2020. A set of clinical and instrumental studies was conducted. Based on the results, a database was created in Excel (Microsoft Office 2007, USA). Statistical processing of the results was carried out according to the Statistica 7 package (Stat Soft, USA). According to the registry of patients with diabetes mellitus, 2020 in Vinnytsia region 47,673 people with diabetes type aged 18 and older were recorded. More than half (58.1%) – 27,757 patients have complications of diabetes mellitus. Among the examined clinical group (941 patients), the following factors were identified: myocardial infarction or stroke were carried by 42 people, which was 4.46%, an aggravated hereditary history of diabetes in 398 people (42.2%), an anamnesis of statins (dyslipidemia) in 446 people (47.3%), arterial hypertension was established in 362 people, In 133 patients (14.1%) of the clinical group, a carbohydrate metabolism disorder was detected: prediabetes in 121 people (12.8%), newly detected diabetes – in 12 people (1.2%). For the gender component of carbohydrate metabolism, prediabetes were diagnosed in 78 women (8.3%) and 43 men (4.5%), and diabetes was first detected in 3 men (0.3%) and 9 women (0.9%). During the analysis of anthropometric data, it was noted that all patients in the clinical group had waist volume above the normative parameters. In the group of overweight and obese patients, there was a positive strong correlation between BMI and blood sugar (Spearman correlation coefficient – 0.579). The study of correlation associations between waist volume and glycemia in patients who are overweight and obese showed the highest correlation strength – Spearman coefficient 0.94), which confirms literature data on the ratio of waist volume to changes in carbohydrate metabolism. So, determination of the main anthropometric indicators, data carbohydrate, lipid metabolism is the basis for early screening of those patients who are in the so-called “gray zone” before diabetes.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University

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