Innovative methods of treating distal occlusion: emphasis on functional restoration of the chewing and facial mimicry system in children


Kasianenko D.ORCID,Dmitriyev M.ORCID,Popova O.ORCID,Isakova N.ORCID,Drachuk N.ORCID,Pachevska A. V.ORCID


Annotation. In the contemporary world, where there is an observed increase in cases of distal malocclusion in children, the exposition of cutting-edge innovations in treating this condition becomes an especially relevant issue, considering not only medical but also socio-psychological aspects. It demands a systematic approach to ensure effective and comprehensive treatment aimed at improving not only physical health but also the quality of life and psychosocial adaptation of children. The aim of the article is a profound analysis and disclosure of the essence of advanced innovations in restoring the normal function of the masticatory-facial system, particularly in the context of distal malocclusion, using advanced orthodontic appliances and physiotherapy methods. For the analysis of new information, we utilized the PubMed and Google Scholar databases, predominantly citing publications from the last five years (2018-2023), except for two articles published from 2011 to 2016. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that advanced orthodontic appliances and physiotherapeutic methods effectively influence the functional aspects of the masticatory-facial system, especially in the context of distal malocclusion in children. The conclusion of the article emphasizes the necessity to reassess traditional methods of treating distal malocclusion and supports the implementation of innovative approaches in pediatric dentistry. The article's findings can serve as a foundation for further research and contribute to the enhancement of clinical practice in this medical field.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University

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