Manifestations of life resistance of students medical psychologist National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya in the realities of the war time


Ordatii N.ORCID,Gunko M.ORCID


Annotation. In article is devoted analysis of the viability of students medical psychologists in wartime conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of vitality of 50 medical psychologist students 1st and 2nd years of study in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya in the period from February 2022 until February 2023. We used the Hardiness-Survey, adapted by D. O. Leontiev and O. 1. Rasskazova in 2006 and the author’s questionnaire in the form of a Google form, which was sent to respondents’ e-mail addresses. The questionnaire was anonymous and contained questions about age, gender, presence of a sense of security, contact with a psychiatrist or psychologist during the specified period with the aim of correcting the emotional state that worsened in connection with military operations and the probable intake of medications – because of this, the importance of influences during the specified period. “Test of vitality” by S. Muddy, modified by: D. O. Leontiev and O. I. Rasskazova includes the following subscales: involvement (setting on events that includes the following subscales: involvement (setting on the happening events), control (setting on activity in life events), risk-taking (setting in relation to difficult or new situations when they are considered as challenges and opportunities to gain experience) and general evaluation viability. The results of the study showed sufficiently high indicators of the average level of both general vitality among the surveyed students and its separate subscales of involvement, control and risk, which allows us to assert that the personal characteristics of students who are studying in the 1st and 2nd year of medical psychology at National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya managed to successfully overcome and adapt to changing influences and requirements of the environment against the background of personal growth and high professional productivity. It is promising to search for new methods of increasing the level of vitality in order to effectively overcome crisis situations and preserve health.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University

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