Annotation. The paper looks at the issue of quality training of doctors and development of their professional competencies, including the communicative competence. The aim of the research was to substantiate the instructional environment for the development of the communicative competence in future clinical psychologists. In the course of the research, methods of analysis and synthesis of sources in medicine and teaching were used, as well as a questionnaire method using Google forms to determine the level of development of the communicative competence in medical students. It has been determined that the development of the communicative competence is an integral aspect of the professional training of doctors and is provided for by the Educational and Professional Program in Healthcare. The main definitions used in the research have been clarified: “competence”, “competency”, “communicative competence”. Rationales have been provided for the following structural components of the communicative competence: motivational and axiological component, emotional and volitional component, perceptual component. The analysis of the questionnaire results showed that a significant number of students have certain difficulties with interpersonal interaction and establishing communication with others, but consider it necessary to develop their communicative competence and wish to improve their communicative ability during their training and professional career. The instructional environment for the development of the communicative competence in future doctors has been defined: generation of positive motivation to increase the level of development of the communicative competence; partnership between teachers and students; use of modern interactive teaching methods in the educational process. Thus, the proposed recommendations for the development of the communicative competence can be used in the professional training of clinical psychologists. We consider designing of a model for the development of the communicative competence in future doctors in the course of their professional training as a direction for further research.
Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University
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