Study of the stability of dental implants on the background of the hepatobiliary system pathology


Polishchuk V. S.ORCID


Annotation. Today, dental implantation is one of the most important methods for restoring dental defects. This method allows restoration of tooth row defects without preparation of hard tooth tissues. Endoosseous dental implantation in patients with concomitant pathology requires special attention, among which pathology of the hepatobiliary system stands out, which has recently tended to increase. This is primarily due to the epidemiology of viral hepatitis, deterioration of the external environment, and complex social conditions of life. The purpose of our work was to investigate the stability of dental implants using the analysis of frequency-resonance indicators in patients with hepatobiliary system pathology. A study of the stability coefficient was conducted in 26 patients who had intraosseous dental implants installed. All patients were divided into 2 groups: the first – main (14 patients) – without pathology of the hepatobiliary system; the second – comparative (12 patients) - included patients who had disorders of the hepatobiliary system, which were established on the basis of the collected anamnesis and violations of biochemical indicators. There were equal numbers of men and women in each group. There were 8 (57.2%) women and 6 (42.8%) men in the first group, and 5 (41.7%) men and 7 (58.3%) women in the second group. For all patients, dental intraosseous implantation was performed in one or two zones of included defects. After the installation of dental intraosseous implants, the stability of the dental implant was determined using a frequency-resonance study. Similar studies were also conducted after the opening of the dental implants before the installation of the orthopedic structure after 6 months. The results. We found a significant difference in the coefficient of stability of dental implants in patients with hepatobiliary system pathology and without liver pathology (p<0.05). In the main research group, the following coefficients of stability of dental implants were obtained: immediately after the installation of dental implants intraoperatively, a study of indicators was carried out, which corresponded to the level of 70,41±2,97 points, and already after 6 months this indicator of the stability coefficient in±creased and was fixed at the level 75,41±2,59 points. In the patients of the second research group (comparison), immediately after the installation of dental implants, the stability coefficient was at the level of 42.56±3.53 points, and 6 months after the installation of dental implants – 44,39±3,26 points. Liver pathology negatively affects the coefficient of stability of dental implants and their osseointegration, worsening them by 1,7 times. With liver pathology, osteopenia is observed, which requires preoperative and postoperative hepatoprotective correction and osteotropic therapy.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University

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