Prospects for the introduction of simulation training in the educational process for the training of future surgical doctors


Bichkov S.ORCID,Cherkova N.ORCID,Dushyk L.ORCID,Panov S.ORCID


Annotation. The relevance of the issue concerning the exploration of prospects for implementing simulation-based learning into the educational process for training future surgeons is driven by the contemporary demand for alternative communicative approaches, effective tools, methods, and enriching traditional medical education with modern teaching technologies. The article analyses the effectiveness of using simulation equipment in virtual surgery and the feasibility of integrating simulation technologies into medical educational programs for preparing future surgeons, using the example of the simulation training center at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The appropriateness of utilizing the Lap Mentor technique for mastering practical surgical skills in 6th-year students during the “Cholecystectomy” training module is assessed through the practice of laparoscopic cholecystectomy technique in the university's simulation center. Comparing the research results reveals that students in the experimental group, who employed simulation methodologies to acquire practical and theoretical skills, had a relatively higher percentage of mastery of essential knowledge in the chosen subject. The results described in the article once again emphasize the advantages of using simulation-based learning in medical education practice while preparing highly skilled surgical professionals. This is due to the development of professional competencies and the acquisition of clinical experience during independent operations, which occur without harm to the patient and without subjecting the learner to stressful factors. The prospects for further developments lie in integrating simulation-based learning into the training process for the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery, which has become a necessary condition and an integral part of ensuring the effectiveness of practical training for future surgeon physicians.


Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University


General Medicine

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