1. B. Sawyer, “The Uranium-Columbium Alloy System”, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-4027, Chicago, IL (Oct 1946). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
2. H.A. Sailer and F.A. Rough,Compilation of U.S. and U.K. Uranium and Thorium Constitutional Diagrams, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, BMI-1000, 48–49 (1955). (Equi Diagram; Review; #)
3. B. Sawyer, in [55Sal]. (Equi Diagram)
4. A.E. Dwight and M.H. Mueller, “Constitution of U-Rich, U-Nb, and U-Nb-Zr Systems”, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, ANL-5581 (1957). (Equi Diagram; Experimental;)
5. P.C.L. Pfeil, J.D. Browne, and G.K. Williamson, “The Uranium-Niobium Alloy System in the Solid State”,J. Inst. Metals, 87, 204–208 (1958). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)