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2. W. Köster and F. Sperner, Das Dreistoffsystem Kobalt-Nickel-Vanadin, Z. Metallkde., Vol 48, 1957, p 540–543 (in German)
3. A.E. Dwight and P.A. Beck, Close-Packed Ordered Structures in AB 3 Binary Alloys of Transition Elements, Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, Vol 215, 1959, p 976–979
4. S. Saito, The Crystal Structure of VCo3, Acta Crystallogr., Vol 12, 1959, p 500–502
5. W. Köster and W. Gmöhling, Leitfähigkeit und Hallkonstante, Z. Metallkde., Vol 51, 1960, p 385–391 (in German)