1. H.W. Bakhuys Roozeboom: Die heterogenen Gleichgewichte vom Standpunkte der PHasenlehre, Braunschweig, 1904–1913. The volumes of the third part are posthumous with F.A.H. Schreinemaker and others.
2. F.C. Larché and J.W. Cahn: Acta Metall., 1985, vol. 33, pp. 331–67.
3. J.D. van der Waals: Over de Continuiteit van den Gasen-Vloeistofftoestand (Over the Continuity between the Gaseous and Liquid State), A.W. Sijthoff, Amsterdam, 1873.
4. J. Willard Gibbs: The Collected Works, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1948, vol. 1, p. 96.
5. J. Willard Gibbs: The Collected Works, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1948, vol. 1, pp. 33ff and 115ff.