1. Regulation of the Minister of Energy of October 5, 2017 on the detailed scope and method of preparing an energy efficiency audit and methods of calculating energy savings,2017
2. The Act of May 20, 2016 on energy efficiency,2016
3. Announcement of the Minister of Energy of November 23, 2016 on the detailed list of projects aimed at improving the efficiency of energy,2016
4. Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Cement and Lime Industry and Magnesium Oxide production,2010
5. Decision of the European Commission of 26/03/2013 on the best available techniques (BAT) in the production of cement establishing the conclusions on the best available techniques (BAT) in accordance with Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions, with regard to production of cement, lime and magnesium oxide (notified under document number C (2013) 1728)