Taxonomic and ecological structure of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of mesophilic grasslands on the Transcarpathian lowland


Hushtan Habriel1ORCID


1. State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The article analyzes the taxonomic diversity, dominance structure, spectra of morpho-ecological types, biotope complexes and groups of oribatid mites of mesophilic grasslands on Transcarpathian lowland. Prior to our works, there were almost no studies of the oribatid communities of the studied area. The research plots located on the sorrounding areas of the city of Mukachevo and the village of Kalnyk of the Mukachevo district. Soil samples selected for 2013-2014. The geographical coordinates of the first meadow are: 48º22.79' N, 22º40.14' E, and the second one is 48º30.86' N, 22º34.65' E. The total area of the first biotope is 0.45, and the second is 37.5 hectares. In relation to the humidity of the substrate, this type of biotope is characterized by mesophilic conditions. Extraction of mites from soil was carried out using Tullgren funnel method. Permanent preparations were prepared. Identification of the specimens was carried out using a microscope (Olympus BX 51). Oribatid mites of the investigated mesophilic grasslands are represented by 26 species from 22 genera and 16 families. The families Oppiidae and Scheloribatidae are the most represented. The average density of oribatid mites of the mesophilic grasslands on Transcarpathian lowland has relatively small values (3.7 thousand specimens per m2). The dominant species include Punctoribates punctum (C. L. Koch, 1839) and Ceratozetes mediocris Berlese, 1908. They together make up 44% of the total density of oribatids. Margalef, Menkhinik, Simpson, Shannon and Berger-Parker indices were calculated. 10 morpho-ecological types of oribatid mites were found on mesophilic grasslands. Oribatids - inhabitants of small soil crevices – predominate. Representatives of five biotope complexes (euryoecic, hygrophilous, hygro-mesophilous, mesophilous and xerophilous) and four biotope groups (eurytopic, forest, forest-meadow, meadow) were identified in the structure of ecological groups of Oribatids. Mesophilous and meadow species of oribatid mites have the largest share.


State Museum of Natural History


General Medicine

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