Сharacteristics of visible autumn migrations of the common crane Grus grus (Linnaeus, 1758) in NNP "Prypiat-Stokhid" in 2012-2017


Khymyn M.


The vіsіble mіgratіons of bіrds were study of the terrіtory of national nature park at left bank of the Prypіat Rіver near Svalovychі vіllage іn Kamin-Kashyrsk dіstrіct, Volyn regіon of Ukraіne іn September and October 2012-2017. There were 2737 individuals of the Common Crane counted at the one observation point during this time. Almost all birds migrated in flocks. Several lone birds were observed also, apparently lagging behind their flocks. There are from 2 to 222 individuals in one flock, on average – 39,0±5,12 (n=70). The main passage lasted from the 3rd decade of September to the middle of the 2nd Decade of October. The majority of them flew in the 5 last hours of observations (77,9% of all counted birds during 6 years). Most birds of this species were observed on passage at altitudes above 250 m (61,2%), less – between 100 and 250 m (36,1%), and the predominant directions of their migration were SW (48,5%) and S (40,7%).


State Museum of Natural History


General Medicine

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