UC 4-H programs bolster youths' public speaking confidence


Worker Steven M.,Nayak Roshan,Meng Yu,Marshall-Wheeler Nicole


Public speaking is an essential skill for the workforce, yet many professionals lack confidence when speaking in front of an audience. While the 4-H Youth Development Program helps young people learn and practice public speaking, little is known about which specific 4-H activities foster these skills. We conducted a study to explore 4-H members' public speaking confidence and to identify specific 4-H activities that bolster young people's public speaking confidence. Quantitative and qualitative survey analyses revealed that, regardless of age, the longer 4-H members spend in the program, the more their self-confidence in public speaking improves. The 4-H program offers unique opportunities for public speaking at club meetings and formal presentations. There is room to expand these opportunities by offering youth more instructional “how to present” materials and increasing low-stakes speaking venues.


University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR)


Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science,Forestry

Reference23 articles.

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