Literary Lexicography or Terminological Lexicography? A Methodological Approach: Dictionary of Arghezian Terms


,Topală Dragoș VladORCID


Literary lexicography is an interdisciplinary specialization with an underlying methodology. It involves recording and analyzing the lexicon of a representative writer through lexicographic classification methodology; the linguistic and computational methods are intertwined, but mostly converge in the lexical and semantic direction. I propose a combined reading model of the literary dictionaries, namely a lexical and stylistic reading and a terminological reading respectively. The model is mixed, it is neither alternative nor optional. The separation of lexicology from terminology within literary lexicography is not advisable and even becomes harmful regarding the comprehension of such complex works. This methodological analysis is a case study, based on Simona Constantinovici’s Dictionary of Arghezian Terms.


Universitatea Vest din Timisoara

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