
Markushin S. G.1,Svitich O. A.1,Kinkulkina A. R.1,Koptyaeva I. B.1,Lisovskaya K. V.1


1. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera


Aim. Study of mechanisms of attenuation of cold-adapted (ca) influenza virus strain A/ Krasnodar/101/35/59 (H2N2), associated with disruption of NS1 protein functions. Materials and methods. Study of interferonogenic activity of ca strain A/Krasnodar/101/35/59 (H2N2), its parent variant A/Krasnodar/101/59 (H2N2), virulent strain A/WSN/33 (H1N1) and a number of single gene and multiple gene reassortants between these strains, obtained using reverse genetics, was carried out. Study of dynamics of IFNp gene expression was carried out by using a methodical approach of RT-PCR in real time mode. Results. Inclusion of PB-1 gene of ca strain A/ Krasnodar/101/35/59 (H2N2) with reversion to wild type into genome composition of virulent strain А/WSN/33 (H1N1) does not result in a sharp change of interferonogenic activity of the reassortant. At the same time, similar inclusion of PB-1 gene of ca strain resulted in an incredible growth of interferonogenic activity of the reassortant. On the other hand, inclusion of NP-gene of wild type strain A/Krasnodar/101/59 (H2N2) into genome composition of the wild type strain А/WSN/33 did not differ by effect on interferonogenicity of the reassortant from inclusion of NP-gene of ca strain. Conclusion. Both constellations of genes of parent variants and mutations localized in these genes could affect formation of attenuation phenotype of reassortants. The data obtained allow to assume possible mechanisms of attenuation of ca strains, associated with disruption of NS gene function.


Central Research Institute for Epidemiology


General Medicine

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