1. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera
Aim.To study the immunobiological activity of the complex preparation for Haemophilus influenzae infections prevention.Materials and methods.We used the complex preparation, containing 1 mcg of lipooligosaccharide and 10 mcg of protein-containing fraction, lipooligosaccharide and protein-containing fraction monopreparations, and capsular polysaccharide preparation. For studying cross-protective activity of the complex preparation white outbread mouses (weight 14-16 g) were intramuscularly immunized with a dose 0,5 ml. 10 days later the animals were inoculated with H. influenzae encapsulated and non-typed strains culture inoculum in a dose 5*109 microbial cells/mouse. The immunized animals specific antibodies level was determined by means of indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For studying complex preparation’s influence on the development of the infectious process immunized mouses were intranasally inoculated with H. influenzae encapsulated and non-encapsulated strains. The mouses dissections were performed in 3, 24 and 72 hours after inoculation. Sterile samples (lung tissue) were homogenized, titrated and plated onto 5% horse blood agar; then after 18-20 growth hours we counted the number of colonies and recalculated its number for one mouse.Results.Our investigations have shown that the complex preparation provided 90-100% animals’ defence from used in this experiment infectious agent strains. Mouses immunization with the preparation induced significant increase in the level of antibodies, revealed by means of indirect ELISA. Beginning with the third day after intranasal inoculation there was a pathogen multiplica112 tion in control group mouses lungs. In the same time immunized mouses had almost indetectable number of bacteria. Almost all animals from control group contained pathogen in lymph nodes and mesentery; though pathogen’s presence in immune mouses viscera was rather occasional.Conclusion. The complex preparation protected animals from all H. influenzae strains, used in our experiment. The dynamic of the infectious process directly depended on the development of immune response on the complex preparation injection.
Central Research Institute for Epidemiology
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