1. Institute of Experimental Medicine; Saint-Petersburg State University
2. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Centre; Saint-Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University)
3. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Centre
4. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Aim. Goal of the study is characterization and analysis of an occurrence of ICE-emm12 genetic element associated with streptococcal outbreaks, among Vietnamese and Russian GAS strains. Materials and methods. A total of 96 strains isolated in 2007 - 2014 in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and different provinces of Vietnam were studied. Molecular genetic experiments were done as previously described. Whole genome sequencing was done using MiSeq technology. Results. Complete genome sequencing of Vietnamese strain V31 revealed the presence of 61028 bp fragment homologous to integrative and conjugative element ICE-emm12 containing resistance genes to MLS-antibiotics (ermB) and tetracycline (tetM). This element was discovered in 12 (26,1%, types emm12.0, emm12.22) out of 46 Vietnamese strains, and 2 (4,0%, types emm12.0, emm88.2) out of 50 Russian strains. In 13 out of 14 strains, ICE-emm12 was integrated in RNA-methyltransferase gene, which is possibly the «hot spot» for recombination. In all the strains ICE-emm12 was present in two forms: integrated linearized form and excised circular form with potential to be horizontally transferred. Conclusion. The presence of ICE-emm12 containing antibiotic resistance genes and associated with streptococcal outbreaks in South East Asia, among Russian GAS strains together with the fact of intensive tourism industry indicate the need of molecular epidemiological surveillance for circulation of epidemiologically actual streptococcal clones in Russia.
Central Research Institute for Epidemiology
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