1. Smolensk State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY. Analysis of the possibility of a shearwave elastography (2D-SWE) approach in the diagnosis of metastatic liver damage within the framework of multiparametric ultrasound. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A survey of 95 patients with liver metastases with a primary focus: 28 (29,4 %) - lung cancer, 31 (32,6 %) -malignant neoplasm of the stomach (SNO), 9 (9,5 %) - pancreatic cancer, 16 - colorectal cancer, 9 (17,8 %) - uterine cancer, 11 (20 %) - ovarian malignancy was conducted. Metachronous metastases were detected in all patients (n=95) (6-18 months after surgical treatment.) The use of multiparametric ultrasound (B-mode, shearwave elastography and ultrasound with contrast enhancement) was mandatory in the patient examination algorithm. RESULTS. The results of B-mode, color Doppler mapping and SWE are important for evaluating non-invasive or invasive nature of metastasis growth AUC=0,889 (95 % CI 0,879-0,957), indicating very good quality. The predictive value of SWE increased with dynamic observation of patients: AUC=0,991 (95 % CI 0,944-0.997), which indicated a very good quality. CONCLUSION. The criteria for noninvasive and invasive growth of the metastatic process in the liver parenchyma with SWE are developed, it is important for preoperative planning. Prognostic significance of SWE within the scope of mutiparametric ultrasound increases at dynamic observation of patients for more than 6 months.
Russian Association of Coloproctology
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2 articles.