Behavioral training enhances cortical temporal processing in neonatally deafened juvenile cats


Beitel Ralph E.1,Vollmer Maike12,Raggio Marcia W.13,Schreiner Christoph E.1


1. Saul and Ida Epstein Laboratory, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California;

2. Comprehensive Hearing Center, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; and

3. College of Health and Human Services, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California


Deaf humans implanted with a cochlear prosthesis depend largely on temporal cues for speech recognition because spectral information processing is severely impaired. Training with a cochlear prosthesis is typically required before speech perception shows improvement, suggesting that relevant experience modifies temporal processing in the central auditory system. We tested this hypothesis in neonatally deafened cats by comparing temporal processing in the primary auditory cortex (AI) of cats that received only chronic passive intracochlear electric stimulation (ICES) with cats that were also trained with ICES to detect temporally challenging trains of electric pulses. After months of chronic passive stimulation and several weeks of detection training in behaviorally trained cats, multineuronal AI responses evoked by temporally modulated ICES were recorded in anesthetized animals. The stimulus repetition rates that produced the maximum number of phase-locked spikes (best repetition rate) and 50% cutoff rate were significantly higher in behaviorally trained cats than the corresponding rates in cats that received only chronic passive ICES. Behavioral training restored neuronal temporal following ability to levels comparable with those recorded in naïve prior normal-hearing adult deafened animals. Importantly, best repetitition rates and cutoff rates were highest for neuronal clusters activated by the electrode configuration used in behavioral training. These results suggest that neuroplasticity in the AI is induced by behavioral training and perceptual learning in animals deprived of ordinary auditory experience during development and indicate that behavioral training can ameliorate or restore temporal processing in the AI of profoundly deaf animals.


American Physiological Society


Physiology,General Neuroscience

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