Ion Channels in Cancer: Are Cancer Hallmarks Oncochannelopathies?


Prevarskaya Natalia1,Skryma Roman1,Shuba Yaroslav1


1. INSERM U-1003, Equipe Labellisée par la Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer et LABEX, Université Lille1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France; Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology and International Center of Molecular Physiology, NASU, Kyiv-24, Ukraine


Genomic instability is a primary cause and fundamental feature of human cancer. However, all cancer cell genotypes generally translate into several common pathophysiological features, often referred to as cancer hallmarks. Although nowadays the catalog of cancer hallmarks is quite broad, the most common and obvious of them are 1) uncontrolled proliferation, 2) resistance to programmed cell death (apoptosis), 3) tissue invasion and metastasis, and 4) sustained angiogenesis. Among the genes affected by cancer, those encoding ion channels are present. Membrane proteins responsible for signaling within cell and among cells, for coupling of extracellular events with intracellular responses, and for maintaining intracellular ionic homeostasis ion channels contribute to various extents to pathophysiological features of each cancer hallmark. Moreover, tight association of these hallmarks with ion channel dysfunction gives a good reason to classify them as special type of channelopathies, namely oncochannelopathies. Although the relation of cancer hallmarks to ion channel dysfunction differs from classical definition of channelopathies, as disease states causally linked with inherited mutations of ion channel genes that alter channel's biophysical properties, in a broader context of the disease state, to which pathogenesis ion channels essentially contribute, such classification seems absolutely appropriate. In this review the authors provide arguments to substantiate such point of view.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Molecular Biology,Physiology,General Medicine

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