Microarray gene expression analysis in atrophying rainbow trout muscle: a unique nonmammalian muscle degradation model


Salem Mohamed1,Kenney P. Brett1,Rexroad Caird E.2,Yao Jianbo1


1. Division of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, West Virginia University, Morgantown

2. National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture, Kearneysville, West Virginia


Muscle atrophy is a physiological response to diverse physiological and pathological conditions that trigger muscle deterioration through specific cellular mechanisms. Despite different signals, the biochemical changes in atrophying muscle share many common cascades. Muscle deterioration as a physiological response to the energetic demands of fish vitellogenesis represents a unique model for studying the mechanisms of muscle degradation in non-mammalian animals. A salmonid microarray, containing 16,006 cDNAs, was used to study the transcriptome response to atrophy of fast-switch muscles from gravid rainbow trout compared with sterile fish. Eighty-two unique transcripts were upregulated and 120 transcripts were downregulated in atrophying muscles. Transcripts having gene ontology identifiers were grouped according to their functions. Muscle deterioration was associated with elevated expression of genes involved in the catheptic and collagenase proteolytic pathways; the aerobic production, buffering, and utilization of ATP; and growth arrest; whereas atrophying muscle showed downregulation of genes encoding a serine proteinase inhibitor, enzymes of anaerobic respiration, muscle proteins as well as genes required for RNA and protein biosynthesis/processing. Therefore, gene transcription of the trout muscle atrophy changed in a manner similar to mammalian muscle atrophy. These changes result in an arrest of normal cell growth, protein degradation, and decreased glycolytic cellular respiration that is characteristic of the fast-switch muscle. For the first time, other changes/mechanisms unique to fish were discussed including genes associated with muscle atrophy.


American Physiological Society



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