A computer-based model for realistic simulations of neural networks. II. The segmental network generating locomotor rhythmicity in the lamprey


Wallen P.1,Ekeberg O.1,Lansner A.1,Brodin L.1,Traven H.1,Grillner S.1


1. Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,Sweden.


1. To analyze the function of the spinal interneuronal network generating locomotion in the lamprey CNS, a vertebrate model system, we performed computer simulations with realistic model neurons possessing the essential properties of their biological counterparts. 2. The segmental network has been simulated by modeling experimentally established types of neurons with their specific membrane properties and synaptic interconnections. Fictive locomotor activity, which can be experimentally induced by elevating the background excitability by bath application of excitatory amino acids, was simulated by opening membrane conductances for kainate/alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) or N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Kainate/AMPA receptor activation induced a rhythm in the middle and upper part of the physiological burst frequency range, whereas NMDA receptor activation evoked bursting in the lower part of the range, which corresponds well to earlier experimental findings. 3. Several factors contributing to the termination of the burst were studied and their interaction was assessed in simulations of the network. 1) The summation of spike afterhyperpolarizations (late AHPs), leading to adaptation of the discharge, acts as a primary burst-terminating factor at lower rates of kainate/AMPA-induced bursting, and it also interacts with the NMDA-induced oscillatory membrane properties during slow rhythmicity. 2) The termination of the depolarized NMDA plateau is another important factor during NMDA-evoked rhythmicity. 3) The synaptic inhibition from lateral interneurons to the interneurons mediating reciprocal inhibition is important at higher rates of kainate/AMPA-induced bursting. 4. The mechanism of action of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on the lamprey segmental network was further investigated by simulation. 5-HT is known to lower the burst frequency during fictive locomotion and also to decrease the conductance through the Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channels, and thereby the size of the late AHP that follows the action potential. Decreasing this conductance in the network simulations resulted in a lesser amount of AHP summation and thereby less frequency adaptation during the burst, longer bursts, and a lower locomotor frequency. Thus the selective action of 5-HT on the Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channels, and hence on the AHP, can account for the modulatory effect on the fictive locomotor rhythm seen experimentally. 5. The results demonstrate that the present simulation of the segmental network can account for essential features of the motor pattern seen experimentally during lamprey locomotion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)


American Physiological Society


Physiology,General Neuroscience








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