Increased normoxic ventilation induced by repetitive hypoxia in conscious dogs


Cao K. Y.1,Zwillich C. W.1,Berthon-Jones M.1,Sullivan C. E.1


1. David Read Laboratory, Department of Medicine, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.


To determine if a long-lasting increase in normoxic ventilatory drive is induced in conscious animals by repetitive hypoxia, we examined the normoxic [arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) > 93%] ventilatory response following successive episodes of 2-min eucapnic hypoxic challenges (SaO2 = 80%) in awake tracheotomized dogs. End-tidal CO2 was maintained at the resting level during and after repetitive hypoxia. The experimental protocol was performed twice in each of five dogs on separate days. To determine if changes in normoxic ventilation occurred between episodes of repetitive hypoxia, data were compared from six periods (epochs) for all experiments. The mean minute ventilation (VI) during three normoxic periods between episodes of intermittent hypoxia was 135, 154, and 169% of control (P < 0.05). VI during a 30-min recovery period was still higher at 183 and 172% of control (P < 0.05). Normoxic VI between hypoxic and recovery periods was significantly higher than the corresponding values in sham experiments. Our results indicate that a long-lasting increase in normoxic ventilation can be evoked in an awake unanesthetized dog by a short exposure to repetitive hypoxia.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Physiology

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