Rectal and rectal vs. esophageal temperatures in paraplegic men during prolonged exercise


Gass G. C.1,Camp E. M.1,Nadel E. R.1,Gwinn T. H.1,Engel P.1


1. Department of Biological Sciences, School of Physiotherapy, Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Sydney, Australia.


This study investigated the rectal (Tre), esophageal (Tes), and skin (Tsk) temperature changes in a group of trained traumatic paraplegic men pushing their own wheelchairs on a motor-driven treadmill for a prolonged period in a neutral environment. There were two experiments. The first experiment (Tre and Tsk) involved a homogeneous group (T10-T12/L3) of highly trained paraplegic men [maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) 47.5 +/- 1.8] exercising for 80 min at 60–65% VO2max.Tre and Tsk (head, arm, thigh, and calf) and heart rate (HR) were recorded throughout. O2 uptake (VO2), minute ventilation (VE), CO2 production (VCO2), and heart rate (HR) were recorded at four intervals. During experiment 1 significant changes in HR and insignificant changes in VCO2, VE, and VO2 occurred throughout prolonged exercise. Tre increased significantly from 37.1 +/- 0.1 degrees C (rest) to 37.8 +/- 0.1 degrees C after 80 min of exercise. There were only significant changes in arm Tsk. Experiment 2 involved a nonhomogeneous group (T5-T10/T11) of active paraplegics (VO2max 39.9 +/- 4.3 exercising at 60–65% VO2max for up to 45 min on the treadmill while Tre and Tes were simultaneously recorded. Tes rose significantly faster than Tre during exercise (dT/dt 20 min: Tes 0.050 +/- 0.003 degrees C/min and Tre 0.019 +/- 0.005 degrees C/min), and Tes declined significantly faster than Tre at the end of exercise. Tes was significantly higher than Tre at the end of exercise. Our results suggest that during wheelchair propulsion by paraplegics, Tes may be a better estimate of core temperature than Tre.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Physiology

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