Intracellular ion activities and Cl-transport mechanisms in bullfrog corneal epithelium


Reuss L.,Reinach P.,Weinman S. A.,Grady T. P.


Cell membrane potentials, cell membrane resistances, and intracellular ionic activities were measured in bullfrog corneal epithelium. Equivalent circuit analysis was performed by adding adenosine to the apical surface and assuming that only the apical membrane is initially affected. From single-ion substitutions in the apical bathing solution, the apical membrane was found to have a high Cl- permeability, a low K+ permeability, and an unmeasurably small Na+ permeability. Under control conditions intracellular Cl- activity (aCli) was 22 +/- 2 (SE) mM, intracellular Na+ activity (aNai) was 14 +/- 3 mM, and intracellular K+ activity (aKi) was 106 +/- 5 mM. The electrical potential differences across apical and basolateral membranes were about 50 and 67 mV, respectively, both cell negative. aCli and aKi are higher, whereas aNai is much lower than predicted for equilibrium distribution. Inasmuch as Cl- is transported from the basolateral (stromal) to the apical (tear) side, basolateral entry of this anion is uphill and apical exit is downhill. Basolateral entry is Na+ dependent, as evidenced by a fall of aCli to near-equilibrium values after basolateral Na+ removal. The electrochemical gradient for Cl- efflux across the apical membrane is large enough to account for Cl- transport by electrodiffusion only. Na+ removal from the basolateral solution causes a reversible decrease of apical membrane Cl- permeability. The results support the hypothesis that net transepithelial Cl- transport results from coupled NaCl entry (or an equivalent process) at the basolateral membrane and electrodiffusional Cl- exit at the apical membrane.


American Physiological Society


Cell Biology,Physiology

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