Calcium channels and basal prolactin secretion in single male rat lactotropes


Cota G.1,Hiriart M.1,Horta J.1,Torres-Escalante J. L.1


1. Department of Physiology, Biophysics, and Neurosciences, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios, Avanzados, Mexico City, Mexico.


Ba2+ currents through voltage-dependent Ca channels and basal prolactin secretion were measured in single, cultured lactotropes by the combined use of whole cell patch-clamp recording and the reverse hemolytic plaque assay. Measurements of plaque area, a cumulative index of the relative amount of prolactin released by a cell per unit time, indicate that lactotropes can be grouped in two main subpopulations that differ in basal secretory activity: small-plaque (SP) cells and large-plaque (LP) cells. Analysis of Ba2+ currents indicates that both SP and LP lactotropes express two types of Ca channels: low-threshold, inactivating, slowly deactivating (SD) channels and high-threshold, noninactivating, fast deactivating (FD) channels. Ba2+ current amplitude is smaller in SP cells than in LP cells. Plaque area, and thus prolactin release, is positively correlated with the density of Ba2+ current through FD channels, but not with that through SD channels. The results suggest that the surface density of functional FD Ca channels in the plasma membrane is a major factor that determines the rate of basal prolactin secretion in single lactotropes.


American Physiological Society


Cell Biology,Physiology







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