Using a classic paper by Gottschalk and Mylle to teach the countercurrent model of urinary concentration


Tauck David L.1


1. Department of Biology, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California


Most undergraduates lack the scientific background to read and appreciate much of the primary literature in physiology. Even when the underlying concepts are elegantly simple, the inherent complexity of contemporary papers often makes the work inaccessible to them. However, with a little help, they can be guided to an understanding of the creative thought processes that underlie the research and to appreciate its significance. This is especially true of many classic papers in physiology that often rely on easily comprehensible techniques. Moreover, the American Physiological Society (APS) has invited prominent scientists to select important papers in their fields and to write essays that both put the work into historical context and explain why it is scientifically important. The APS Legacy Project makes these classic papers freely available online. One such paper by Gottschalk and Mylle presents data from a series of micropuncture studies that confirm all of the predictions of the countercurrent exchange model of concentrated urine production ( 2 ). The included handout of questions for discovery learning and teaching points suggest ways to use the paper as an instructional resource.


American Physiological Society


General Medicine,Physiology,Education

Reference9 articles.

1. Allen DE and Duch BJ.Thinking Toward Solutions: Problem-Based Learning Activities for General Biology. Fort Worth, TX: Saunders College Publishing, 1998, p. 1–11.

2. Gottschalk CW and Mylle M.Micropuncture study of the mammalian urinary concentrating mechanism: evidence for the countercurrent hypothesis.Am J Physiol196: 927–936, 1959. [11 October 2005].

3. Hargitay B and Kuhn W.Das Multiplikationsprinzip als Grundlage der Harnkonzentrierung in der Niere.Z Elektrochem55: 539–558, 1951.

4. Herstellung konzentrierter Lösungen aus verdünnten durch bloße Membran Wirkung. Ein Modellversuch zur Funktion der Niere

5. Countercurrent exchange in the renal medulla

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