The work by Giulio Ceradini in explaining the mechanism of semilunar cardiac valve function


Troiani Diana1,Manni Ermanno1


1. Institute of Human Physiology, School of Medicine, Catholic University, Rome, Italy


Using an excised pig heart preparation with tubes, a manometer, and a visualizing apparatus, Giulio Ceradini, an Italian physiologist working in the years of 1871–1872 in Carl Ludwig's famous laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, illustrated the mechanism of closure of the semilunar valves. He was the first to conceive that the closure of the heart valves depends not on a static back pressure nor upon eddies but is primarily the consequence of the decelerated systolic efflux. This pioneer research of Ceradini was first published in German in 1872 ( 4 ). The purpose of the present report is to revisit Ceradini's pioneering experiments and his interpretation of heart valve closure, which remains as true as it was in 1872.


American Physiological Society


General Medicine,Physiology,Education

Reference40 articles.

1. Mechanism of Closure of the Aortic Valve

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4. Ceradini G. A Proposito dei due Globi Mercatoriani. 1541-1551. Appunti Critici Sulla Storia della Geografia nei Secoli XV e XVI. Milano: Tipografia e Lit. degli Ingegneri, 1894

5. and Opera Omnia, Milano: Hoepli, 1906, vol. I, p. 200-598.

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1. Form ever follows function;The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery;2016-01

2. Ludwig: The Physiologist [Retrospectroscope];IEEE Pulse;2012-09

3. Classic experimentation and working models for engaging and inspiring students;Advances in Physiology Education;2012-03







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