1. Dept. of Pathophysiology, University of Medicine, Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
As educators, we are continually designing new methods and procedures to enhance learning. During this process, good ideas are frequently generated and tested, but the extent of such activities may not be adequate for a full manuscript. Nonetheless, the ideas may be quite beneficial in improving the teaching and learning of physiology. Illuminations is a column designed to facilitate the sharing of these ideas (illuminations). The format of submissions is quite simple: a succinct description of about one or two double-spaced pages (less title and authorship) of something you have used for the classroom, teaching, lab, conference room, etc. You may include one or two simple figures or references. Submit ideas for inclusion in Illuminations directly to the Associate Editor in charge, Stephen DiCarlo (
American Physiological Society
General Medicine,Physiology,Education
Reference2 articles.
1. Iluchev D and Kostianev S. The deep picture method—a prerequisite for new studies in blood gas analysis. Blood Gas News 3: 7–10, 1994.
2. Siggaard-Andersen O and Siggaard-Andersen M. The oxygen status algorithm: a computer program for calculating and displaying pH and blood gas data. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 50, Suppl 203: 29–45, 1990.
Cited by
2 articles.