1. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University; and
2. Department of Physiology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL 60611
Maltenfort, Mitchell G., C. J. Heckman, and W. Zev Rymer. Decorrelating actions of Renshaw interneurons on the firing of spinal motoneurons within a motor nucleus: a simulation study. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 309–323, 1998. A simulation of spinal motoneurons and Renshaw cells was constructed to examine possible functions of recurrent inhibition. Recurrent inhibitory feedback via Renshaw cells is known to be weak. In our model, consistent with this, motoneuron firing was only reduced by a few pulses per second. Our initial hypothesis was that Renshaw cells would suppress synchronous firings of motoneurons caused by shared, dynamic inputs. Each motoneuron received an identical pattern of noise in its input. Synchrony coefficients were defined as the average motoneuron population firing relative to the activity of selected reference motoneurons; positive coefficients resulted if the motoneuron population was particularly active at the same time the reference motoneuron was active. With or without recurrent inhibition, the motoneuron pools tended to show little if any synchronization. Recurrent inhibition was expected to reduce the synchrony even further. Instead, it reduced the variance of the synchrony coefficients, without a comparable effect on the average. This suggests—surprisingly—that both positive and negative correlations between motoneurons are suppressed by recurrent inhibition. In short, recurrent inhibition may operate as a negative feedback mechanism to decorrelate motoneurons linked by common inputs. A consequence of this decorrelation is the suppression of spectral activity that apparently arises from correlated motoneuron firings due to common excitatory drive. Without recurrent inhibition, the power spectrum of the total motoneuron pool firings showed a peak at a frequency corresponding to the largest measured firing rates of motoneurons in the pool. Recurrent inhibition either reduced or abolished this peak, presumably by minimizing the likelihood of correlated firing among pool elements. Renshaw cells may act to diminish physiological tremor, by removing oscillatory components from aggregate motoneuron activity. Recurrent inhibition also improved coherence between the aggregate motoneuron output and the common drive, at frequencies above the frequency of the “synchronous” peak. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the spectral effect became stronger as the duration of inhibitory synaptic conductance was shortened with either the magnitude or the spatial extent of the inhibitory conductances increased to maintain constant net inhibition. Overall, Renshaw inhibition appears to be a powerful way to adjust the dynamic behavior of a neuron population with minimal impact on its static gain.
American Physiological Society
Physiology,General Neuroscience
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61 articles.