Suppression of Ih Contributes to Propofol-Induced Inhibition of Mouse Cortical Pyramidal Neurons


Chen Xiangdong,Shu Shaofang,Bayliss Douglas A.


The contributions of the hyperpolarization-activated current, Ih, to generation of rhythmic activities are well described for various central neurons, particularly in thalamocortical circuits. In the present study, we investigated effects of a general anesthetic, propofol, on native Ih in neurons of thalamus and cortex and on the corresponding cloned HCN channel subunits. Whole cell voltage-clamp recordings from mouse brain slices identified neuronal Ih currents with fast activation kinetics in neocortical pyramidal neurons and with slower kinetics in thalamocortical relay cells. Propofol inhibited the fast-activating Ih in cortical neurons at a clinically relevant concentration (5 μM); inhibition of Ih involved a hyperpolarizing shift in half-activation voltage (Δ V1/2 approximately −9 mV) and a decrease in maximal available current (∼36% inhibition, measured at −120 mV). With the slower form of Ih expressed in thalamocortical neurons, propofol had no effect on current activation or amplitude. In heterologous expression systems, 5 μM propofol caused a large shift in V1/2 and decrease in current amplitude in homomeric HCN1 and linked heteromeric HCN1–HCN2 channels, both of which activate with fast kinetics but did not affect V1/2 or current amplitude of slowly activating homomeric HCN2 channels. With GABAA and glycine receptor channels blocked, propofol caused membrane hyperpolarization and suppressed action potential discharge in cortical neurons; these effects were occluded by the Ih blocker, ZD-7288. In summary, these data indicate that propofol selectively inhibits HCN channels containing HCN1 subunits, such as those that mediate Ih in cortical pyramidal neurons—and they suggest that anesthetic actions of propofol may involve inhibition of cortical neurons and perhaps other HCN1-expressing cells.


American Physiological Society


Physiology,General Neuroscience







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