Bilateral Interactions During Contractions of Intrinsic Hand Muscles


Zijdewind Inge1,Kernell Daniel1


1. Department of Medical Physiology, University of Groningen, 9713 AV Groningen, The Netherlands


During demanding voluntary contractions (e.g., high force or fatigue), activation is not restricted to the target muscle but extends to other ipsilateral muscles; even contralateral muscles become activated. The contralateral “irradiation” of activity was measured in five subjects during submaximal and maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) (index finger abduction) and during unfatigued and fatigued conditions. All subjects were tested five times with at least one week between tests. Unilateral MVCs were associated with a substantial amount of contralateral FDI activation [mean = 7.9 ± 6.7% (SD) MVC prior to fatigue]. The amount of such contralateral irradiation was significantly different between different individuals and was positively correlated between dominant and nondominant hands. During fatigue tests, the contractile activity of the contralateral “nontarget” index finger showed progressive increase (force, electromyogram) as was measured during both the submaximal task and interspersed MVCs of the target finger. In addition, a superimposed saw-tooth pattern of intermittently waxing and waning contractions commonly appeared contralaterally. The expression of contralateral irradiation force was itself fatigue-sensitive: less irradiation was seen in a recently fatigued muscle than was seen before the fatigue test. These fatigue effects could not be explained as having been caused by changes in muscle properties. Possible anatomical sites of contralateral irradiation are briefly discussed.


American Physiological Society


Physiology,General Neuroscience







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