1. Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale Unite 90,Hopital Necker, Paris, France.
Arginine production was measured in isolated rat nephron segments. Segments were incubated with 0.3 mM aspartate and 0.1 mM L-[ureido-14C]-citrulline in a sealed chamber. Arginase and urease were added to the medium to hydrolyze arginine and to release 14CO2, which was trapped in KOH and counted. Arginine synthesis was found only in the proximal tubule, with decreasing intensity from proximal convoluted (PCT) to proximal straight tubule (PST). Results were as follows (in tubule length-1): PCT, 122 +/- 15; cortical PST, 71 +/- 6; outer medullary PST, 41 +/- 4; all other segments, less than 6. Arginine synthesis changed almost proportionally with precursor concentration of less than or equal to 0.4 mM. We had shown previously that PST but not PCT was able to hydrolyze arginine into urea and ornithine. In this study arginine was further hydrolyzed in cortical (40%) and medullary (64%) PST but not in PCT. These observations suggest that the arginine formed in PCT contributes to the maintenance of the whole body arginine pool, whereas most of the arginine formed in PST might contribute, by its conversion to urea, to the process of urine concentration.
American Physiological Society