Effect of a divided caffeine dose on endurance cycling performance, postexercise urinary caffeine concentration, and plasma paraxanthine


Conway Kylie J.1,Orr Rhonda1,Stannard Stephen R.1


1. School of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Sydney, Lidcombe 1825, New South Wales, Australia


This study compared the effects of a single and divided dose of caffeine on endurance performance and on postexercise urinary caffeine and plasma paraxanthine concentrations. Nine male cyclists and triathletes cycled for 90 min at 68% of maximal oxygen uptake, followed by a self-paced time trial (work equivalent to 80% of maximal oxygen uptake workload over 30 min) with three randomized, balanced, and double-blind interventions: 1) placebo 60 min before and 45 min into exercise (PP); 2) single caffeine dose (6 mg/kg) 60 min before exercise and placebo 45 min into exercise (CP); and 3) divided caffeine dose (3 mg/kg) 60 min before and 45 min into exercise (CC). Time trial performance was unchanged with caffeine ingestion ( P = 0.08), but it tended to be faster in the caffeine trials (CP: 24.2 min and CC: 23.4 min) compared with placebo (PP: 28.3 min). Postexercise urinary caffeine concentration was significantly lower in CC (3.8 μg/ml) compared with CP (6.8 μg/ml). Plasma paraxanthine increased in a dose-dependent fashion and did not peak during exercise. In conclusion, dividing a caffeine dose provides no ergogenic effect over a bolus dose but reduces postexercise urinary concentration.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Physiology








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