1. Human Physiology research group, Faculty of Physical Education and Physical Therapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
2. Université de Lille, Université Artois, Université Littoral Côte d’Opale, EA 7369, Unité de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire Sport Santé Société, Lille, France
3. Department Rehabilitation Sciences and Kinesitherapy, Faculty of Physical Education and Physical Therapy, Universiteit Gent, Ghent, Belgium
4. Department of Environmental, Occupational and Aging Physiology, Haute Ecole Bruxelles-Brabant Paul Henri Spaak, Brussels, Belgium
5. Center of Measurements and Analysis, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Université de Lille, France
6. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
7. Sports and Health Sciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, St. Luke’s Campus, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
8. Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, Faculty of Medicine, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany