Influence of prior Na+ pump activity on pump and Na+/Ca2+exchange currents in mouse ventricular myocytes


Su Zhi1,Zou Anruo1,Nonaka Akihiko1,Zubair Iram1,Sanguinetti Michael C.1,Barry William H.1


1. Division of Cardiology, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132


We examined the dependence of peak Na+ pump and Na+/Ca2+exchanger currents on prior Na+pump inhibition induced by exposure to zero extracellular K+ in voltage-clamped adult murine ventricular myocytes. Abrupt activation of the Na+ pump by reexposure of myocytes to extracellular K+ with a rapid solution switcher resulted in the development of a transient peak current at ∼500 ms, followed by a decline over 1–2 min to a steady-state level. The magnitudes of both the peak Na+ pump current ( I p) and the peak outward Na+/Ca2+exchange current, activated by rapidly reducing extracellular Na+ to zero with the solution switcher, were dependent on previous Na+ pump activity. [Na+] gradients (Na+-binding benzofuran isophthalate fluorescence) between the patch pipette and the bulk cytosol were relatively small and could not account for the large differences between peak and steady-state I p and reverse Na+/Ca2+exchanger currents. Our results are consistent with the presence of a subsarcolemmal Na+ concentration gradient, which is similar for the Na+ pump and the Na+/Ca2+exchanger. These findings also support the hypothesis that the Na+ pump and the Na+/Ca2+exchanger are colocalized in the sarcolemma.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Physiology

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