Toni Muhammad Rizal ,Asri Widiatsih ,Partiwi Ngayuningtyas Adi ,Syamsul Muarif
This research aims to describe the effectiveness of Automatic Speech Recognition as an assistive technology in language acquisition for deaf students. Deaf people have lost their ability to hear, so they hinder the processing of language information through their hearing, whether wearing or not hearing aids where their hearing limit is sufficient to enable the successful processing of language information through hearing. This study uses the literature study method by reviewing and critically examining the existing knowledge, ideas and findings in academic- oriented literature and formulating theoretical and methodological contributions covering related topics. Data search was done by searching nationally and internationally accredited journals on digital platforms such as Google Scholar, SINTA and GARUDA. The data obtained is sorted based on the criteria for further analysis using descriptive qualitative techniques. The use of ASR shows various results, and it can be concluded that it is effective in language acquisition for deaf students. Effectiveness occurs when paying attention to several aspects, including the applications used, the level of room noise, the delivery of the teacher's sentences, and the vocabulary understood by deaf students.
Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
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