1. Emergency Clinical County Hospital “Sf. Apostol Andrei” Constanta
2. Faculty of Medicine , “Ovidius” University of Constanta
3. Research and Development Center for the morphological and genetic study in malignant pathology – CEDMOG , Constanta “Ovidius” University
Ectopic adrenal rests is a rare lesion, with different locations, and more frequently encountered in the pediatric population. This is a case presentation of a 75-years-old male patient, who was hospitalised to the Emergency Department, with altered general condition, pain in the right hemiscrotum and fever. After the orchiectomy, the histopathological examination established the diagnosis of non-specific purulent degenerated cystic type of acute orchiepididymitis and ectopic adrenal tissue. The immunohistochemical examination confirmed the diagnosis of adrenal ectopy. In this case, the ectopic lesion was discovered accidentally, being associated with nonspecific acute inflammation. This is another case in addition to the very rarely reported and the location of testicular adrenal cortical ectopia in adults.
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology