The Rolling Tool Development in Order to Improve the Geometry of a Tube Profile and to Reduce the Wear of Mill Rolls


Knapinski Marcin1,Bobarikin Yuri L.2,Radkin Yaroslav I.2


1. Czestochowa University of Technology , Poland

2. P.O. Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel , Republic of Belarus


Abstract Increasing the accuracy of the geometrical parameters of tube profiles is one of the priority areas of modern tube industry. The profile of the calibers of rolls of the reeling mill exerts a significant influence over the distribution of stresses that appear in metal during the deformation process and the process of formation of the correct geometry of the obtained rough tube. The method for determining the optimal geometry of a mill roll profile has been developed. In accordance with this method the geometry of the calibers of the continuous three roll reeling mill was calculated. The research of the influence of geometrical parameters of the calibers of mill rolls on the accuracy of the obtained tube profile, the load of the rolling tool and the wear rate of the contact surface of mill rolls and a mandrel was carried out. The numerical simulation method was chosen as a research method. This method allows to carry out rather accurate analysis and to obtain reliable results on the stress-strain and thermal states of a billet during the material processing, gives the possibility to obtain numerical values of stresses, deformations, load parameters of the process, as well as allows to visualize the results that is essential for assessing the accuracy of the tube profile geometry. Numerical experiments of the elongating process of a rough tube on the three roll continuous reeling mill with different grooving of mill rolls were carried out. It was determined that using of the developed grooving will allow to get a rough tube of a higher accuracy with the minimal deviation from the shape of the profile. The use of the developed method of calculating the geometric parameters of the calibers of the continuous reeling mill will allow to obtain calibers with a high degree of resistance to wear due to the reduction of the resistance of the flow of metal and a uniform filling of the calibers in the deformation zone. The use of this grooving of mill rolls will reduce the load acting on the rolling tool during the production of hot-deformed seamless tubes.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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