Suppliers and their role in modern enterprise – Case study


Midor Katarzyna1


1. Silesian University of Technology , Poland


Abstract For each company, the process of selecting and evaluating suppliers of both the components needed for production and the implementation of production process is a very important aspect of their business, as the selection of appropriate contractors has an impact on the quality of final product, which is offered to customers. Dynamically changing situation in the company’s environment causes that success is achieved by those companies which implement new solutions and tools in their relations with suppliers. One such solution may include the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, which requires the organization to evaluate and select suppliers, taking into account their ability to provide a product compliant with the organization’s requirements. This paper presents a proposal to supplement the procedure of supplier qualification in a selected company. Attention was drawn to the fact that it is necessary for the modern organization to have access to database of qualified suppliers, who at the time of arising demand are able to meet the requirements set for them. It is also important for the enterprise to have at least two qualified suppliers for the same component in its database. Such an approach results from the current market requirements. The paper is based on a case study as a recognized method of analyzing and discussing authentic situations applied in management sciences.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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