Politischer Umgang mit Nahrungsrisiken: Herausforderungen, Optionen und Verbesserungsansätze


Rudloff Bettina


Abstract The current Russian aggression against Ukraine caused additional global food insecurity in an already critical situation regarding prices and hunger. This additional burden exacerbates the situation that is in turn worsened by typical crisis reactions of large export countries, i.e. by restricting exports. To respond adequately to the current crisis, a broad set of policy measures is needed in several policy areas (e.g. trade, transport, humanitarian and agricultural policy). In the case of the EU, these may be characterised by a division of competencies between the EU and its member states. Especially in acute crises, this may hinder fast and coherent responses. To improve coordination, a better use of already existing impact assessment tools for policy decisions can help.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)

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