Information and Material Support to Environmental Education in Slovakia in the Times of Crisis


Bilčík Alexander1,Bilčíková Jana1,Lajčin Daniel1,Barnová Silvia1


1. DTI University , Dubnica nad Vánom , Slovakia


Abstract Introduction: The undergoing globalization brings epidemiological, economical, energetical, and environmental security risks. The current task in the field of improving the quality of the environment is educating students in schools for adaptation to the climate change and mitigating its impact on the life and health of living organisms. Methods: The authors carried out a research study on the sample of teachers in 57 schools in the Slovak Republic focusing on particular themes of environmental security, teachers’ knowledge in the field and the availability of material didactic means. Results: Particular themes of environmental security were identified and teachers’ knowledge in the field was examined. Special attention was paid to the availability of material didactic means to be used for the purposes of environmental education. Statistically significant differences were found between their availability in towns and villages. Discussion:Human activities have significantly changed the quality of the environment and now, the necessary to start applying a more environmentally responsible approach is clear. In the Slovak school system, the cross-cutting theme environmental education provides space for it. Limitations:Limitations are given by the size and the composition of the sample, which do not allow to generalize the obtained findings to the entire population. Conclusions:In education, it is important to introduce measures and to prepare graduates for the future as a reaction to the climate emergency situation and the planetary crisis. So, teachers should have expertise, possess objective information, as well as appropriate didactic means for educating students.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Medicine

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