The Problem of Comprehensive Analysis of Organic Agriculture as a Factor of Environmental Safety


Dreval Yuriy1ORCID,Loboichenko Valentyna1ORCID,Malko Alexandr1ORCID,Morozov Andrey1ORCID,Zaika Svitlana2ORCID,Kis Viktor2ORCID


1. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine , Kiev , Ukraine

2. Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture , Kharkiv , Ukraine


Abstract The paper analyses certain aspects of organic agriculture and emphasises the need for an integrated approach in its research. The necessity of using ecologically safe agricultural production as a component of the development of modern civilized states is pointed out in the paper. The method of direct conductometry has been used to study the total mineral composition of plowed soils, which is considered as a component of “green” chemistry methods. The electrical conductivity of aqueous extracts of arable soils, in which mineral and organic fertilizers are applied, is measured. The obtained data vary between 10 and 220 μS. In the paper, for the first time, the regularities of fluctuations of the data of electrical conductivity of aqueous extracts of arable soils, in which various plant cultures had been grown, were revealed and mineral nitrogen fertilizers or organic fertilizers were introduced. Lower data of electrical conductivity are characteristic of plowed soils, in which mineral fertilizers are applied, which indirectly indicates their depletion. The advantage of using organic fertilizers as a necessary component of organic agriculture has been confirmed. It is noted that a promising area of the research is a complete use of an integrated approach to the organic agriculture being farmed in various European countries.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Environmental Science,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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