The Influence of the Temperature Factor on the Changes in the Growth Parameters of Sprat (2000 - 2020)


Melnikova Elena B.1,Melnikov Anatolii V.2


1. Institute of natural and technical systems , Lenin St., 28, Sevastopol , Crimea

2. Sevastopol State University , Universitetskaya, 33, Sevastopol , Crimea


Abstract A study was conducted on the changes in sea surface temperature (SST) on the southwestern shelf of the Crimea between 2000 and 2020. The equations of trends in the change of SST were found. It is shown that the following three periods can be distinguished according to the nature of changes in the average annual sea temperature: 2000 - 2007, 2008-2013 and 2014 - 2020. The influence of changes in the average annual SST on the development of pelagic fish of the cold-water complex was considered (using the example of the Black Sea sprat). Changes in the main parameters of the populations and their relationship with the change in the average annual SST were determined. It was found that the increase in sea temperature negatively affected the development of the sprat population, and the average age of the population decreased by 1.3 times. In general, the population was rejuvenated, and the average size and weight of individuals decreased.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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